Step 10: Genital Swabs
Recover foreign DNA from genital area. Prior to collecting swabs from an unresponsive or unconscious patient, it is recommended to consult facility’s risk manager or legal personnel.
Female Patient
Recover foreign DNA from vulva swabs.
Patients may collect their vulva"An area of the femal genitalia lying posterior to the mons pubis that includes the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vaginal vestibule, vaginal introitus, and Bartholin's glands" (Faugno et al., 2018, p. 5). More swabs with guidance from health care professional as the process is trauma-informed and patient-centered care. For chain-of-custody purposes, patients must be observed by the examiner while collecting their own vulva"An area of the femal genitalia lying posterior to the mons pubis that includes the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vaginal vestibule, vaginal introitus, and Bartholin's glands" (Faugno et al., 2018, p. 5). More swabs. Document self-swabbing.
- Put on new gloves
- Swab the vulva"An area of the femal genitalia lying posterior to the mons pubis that includes the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vaginal vestibule, vaginal introitus, and Bartholin's glands" (Faugno et al., 2018, p. 5). More with two swabs total (simultaneously)
- Swab the inner labia majora"Two folds of skin on either side of the labia minora. This area usually is covered with hair that appears during puberty" (Faugno et al., 2012, p. 4). More, labia minora"The longitudinal thin folds of non-keratinized skin medial to the labia majora. The labia minora are hairless but have many sensory nerve endings that engorge when stimulated" (Faugno et al., 2012, p. 4). More and hymen
- Avoid the urinary meatus
- It may be necessary to pre-moisten the cotton-tipped applicators with sterile water
- Place the two swabs into a swab box
- Close both ends of the box
- Label box
- Place labeled box in the vulva"An area of the femal genitalia lying posterior to the mons pubis that includes the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vaginal vestibule, vaginal introitus, and Bartholin's glands" (Faugno et al., 2018, p. 5). More/scrotal swab envelope
- Label and seal the envelope with examiner’s initials
- Place envelope in the SAEK
Recover foreign DNA from vaginal/cervical swabs.
Patients may collect their vaginal swabs with guidance from health care professional as the process is trauma-informed and patient-centered care. For chain-of-custody purposes, patients must be observed by the examiner while collecting their own vaginal swabs. Document self-swabbing.
- Change gloves
- Insert vaginal speculum
- Gently place two swabs slightly in the cervical os"Opening in the crevix that leads to the endometrial cavity of the uterus" (Faugno et al., 2012, p. 4)., hold for 5–10 seconds, swab the surface of the cervix"Inferior portion of the uterus;" between the body of the uterus and the vagina (Miranda, 2017, para. 24). More, then swab the posterior fornixAnnular area in the vagina around the outside of the cervix (Harris, et al., 2009). More (bottom of cervix"Inferior portion of the uterus;" between the body of the uterus and the vagina (Miranda, 2017, para. 24). More and the space below the cervix"Inferior portion of the uterus;" between the body of the uterus and the vagina (Miranda, 2017, para. 24). More) of the vagina"Muscular canal extending from the cervix to the hymen" (Faugno et al., 2012, p. 5).
- Remove speculum
- Place the two swabs into a swab box
- Close both ends of the box
- Label box
- Place labeled box in the vaginal/cervical/penile swab envelope
- Label and seal the envelope with examiner’s initials
- Place envelope in the SAEK
Male Patient
Recover foreign DNA from penile swabs.
Patients may collect their penile swabs with guidance from health care professional as the process is trauma-informed and patient-centered care. For chain-of-custody purposes, patients must be observed by the examiner while collecting their own penile swabs. Document self-swabbing.
- Change gloves
- Pre-moisten two swabs and swab the head of the penis, staying away from the urethral meatus"External opening of the urethral tube" (Faugno et al., 2012, p. 5).
- Use same two swabs to swab under the foreskin"Fold of skin that covers the glans of the penis," also called prepuce (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). and the shaft of the penis
- Place the two swabs into a swab box
- Close both ends of the box
- Label box
- Place labeled box in the vaginal/cervical/penile swab envelope
- Label and seal the envelope with examiner’s initials
- Place envelope in the SAEK
Recover foreign DNA from scrotal swabs.
Patients may collect their scrotal swabs with guidance from health care professional as the process is trauma-informed and patient-centered care. For chain-of-custody purposes, patients must be observed by the examiner while collecting their own scrotal swabs. Document self-swabbing.
- Change gloves
- Pre-moisten two swabs
- Use two swabs to swab the scrotum"Pouch containing the testicles and their accessory organs" (Faugno et al., 2012, p. 3).
- Prior to collecting swabs from an unresponsive or unconscious patient, it is recommended to consult facility’s risk manager or legal personnel
- Place the two swabs into a swab box
- Close both ends of the box
- Label box
- Place labeled box in the vulva"An area of the femal genitalia lying posterior to the mons pubis that includes the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vaginal vestibule, vaginal introitus, and Bartholin's glands" (Faugno et al., 2018, p. 5). More/scrotal swab envelope
- Label and seal the envelope with examiner’s initials
- Place envelope in the SAEK
For more information on collecting genital swabs see the Protocol.
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