Terminology: Patient Definitions

  • Adolescents

    “Adolescents” are defined in this protocol as children under 18 years of age, who have reached puberty. “While the physical developmental level of these patients” is similar to that of an adult and “must be taken into account when performing the exam, these patients should otherwise be treated as adolescents rather than children” (DoJ, 2013, p. 14).

  • Adult

    “Person who is not a child” (Texas Family Code §101.003).

  • Elderly Individual

    “Person 65 years of age or older” (Texas Penal Code §22.04).

  • Person with a disability

    “Person with a mental, physical, or intellectual or developmental disability that substantially impairs the person’s ability to provide adequately for the person’s care or protection and who is: (A) 18 years of age or older; or (B) under 18 years of age and who has had the disabilities of minority removed (Texas Human Resources Code §48.002).

  • Prepubertal (pediatric) child

    For the purposes of this practice protocol, “the pediatric population are prepubescent children” (meaning those children under 18 years of age who have not reached puberty). “A child’s stage of pubertal development is determined by assessing secondary sexual characteristics rather than chronological age. Although the onset and timeline of the pubertal process is unique to each child, the stages are identifiable and predictable” (DoJ, 2016, p. 9).